Electric Love™ Weigela Shocking Homeowners at Canada Blooms 2019
How do you get gardening enthusiasts excited about something new in a new plant world? With a black and red Weigela. That’s how!
“Electric Love™ is one of those rare finds where you immediately know it’s going to be a hit in the market,” says Bloomin’ Easy’s Founder, DeVonne Friesen. “We see demand for it soaring because people recognize it as special and something truly unique — no matter their level of experience or knowledge of plants.” What makes Electric Love™ Weigela novel is the true red bell flowers against dark foliage. Aside from the unique aesthetic, it’s compact and tidy, reaching around two feet tall and three to four feet wide, and cold hardy to USDA Zone 4 (-34°C/-30°F). Because of its smaller frame, Electric Love™ will work well in a variety of landscapes as well as in decorative containers on the balcony or patio.
Check out the buzz:
- Nursery Management article
- FloralDaily article
- Laidback Gardener blog - Larry Hodgson of Quebec City (English and French)
- Landscape Ontario article
- Canada Blooms blog